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Faculty 评价 & 休假  

  • Faculty 评价   

    参观 Board Policy Manual for more information.

    • 1-1-307 Faculty 评价
    • 1-1-307(3) Post-任期内 Review
    • 1-1-308 Promotion
    • 2-3-801 Comprehensive Review
    • 2-3-901 Promotion
    • 2-3-902任期

    参观 University Regulations for more information.

    • 3-3-801(1) Comprehensive Review
    • 3-3-801(1)(a) Promotion Review
    • 3-3-801(1)(b) Pre-任期内 Review
    • 3-3-801(1)(c) 任期内 Review
    • 3-3-801(1)(d) Post-任期内 Review
    • 3-3-801(2) Annual/Biennial Review
    • 3-3-901 Faculty Salary Increase for Promotion

    Helpful Information

    评价 Timeline

    Third Monday 9月

    学院院长s notify faculty eligible for promotion 和/or tenure or required to undergo Annual/Biennial/Triennial 和/or Comprehensive Review no later than the third Monday 9月. A copy of the list should be sent to relevant Schools or 部门, Human Resources, 和 Academic Affairs. 


    学院院长s notify Chairs/Directors of College level deadlines. Chairs/Directors notify faculty of Department/School Level Deadlines. Faculty electing to undergo optional Annual/Biennial/Triennial or Comprehensive Reviews notify their Chair/Director 和 学院院长. Deans provided updated final list of all faculty undergoing reviews to Human Resources 和 Academic Affairs.


    Final lists of evaluations approved by Human Resources 和 Academic Affairs.  大学 add appropriate faculty names to 教师的成功* workflows 和 launch evaluation 流程.


    Eligible faculty members submit dossiers in 教师的成功*. Program area faculty, Chairs/Directors, 和 Deans complete reviews in accordance with established deadlines 这一年.

    Monday of Spring Break

    Dean deadline for comprehensive reviews (must submit by this date). All previous steps then have an opportunity to respond. Review of faculty dossiers by 教务长 和 the 教务长's staff will begin as soon as response steps complete.

    Early to Mid May

    教务长's stage completed for all comprehensive reviews submitted by deadline. 教务长 recommendation summary submitted to President; letters sent to faculty in Faculty 成功*.

    Two weeks before June BOT Meeting

    Promotion 和 tenure recommendations to BOT for June meeting.

    Third Monday in May

    Annual/Biennial 评价s due.


    Final notification of Board approval sent to faculty.

    There are no longer evaluation forms.  Information previously collected on the forms are now built into the 教师的成功* workflows.

    *数字的措施 现在叫做 教师的成功

  • 休假 Leave

     参观 Board Policy Manual 和 University Regulations

    • 1-1-309 Faculty Leaves
    • 2-3-1001 休假 Leave
    • 3-3-1001 休假 Leave

    Helpful Information

    Annual 休假 Deadlines

    Third Monday 9月

    学院院长s notify faculty eligible for sabbatical no later than the third Monday 9月. A copy of the list should be sent to relevant Schools or 部门, Human Resources, 和 Academic Affairs.

    Third Monday in November

    Eligible faculty submit proposals to their chair.

    First Monday in 12月

    Chair 和 faculty recommendations are submitted to the dean.

    Third Monday in 12月 by Noon

    Dean, chair, 和 faculty recommendations are submitted to the provost.


    教务长 sends sabbatical notifications.

    February Board of Trustees' meeting

    教务长 reports decisions to the Board of Trustees.